Payment Options

White Light Food Private Limited accepts orders through the following modes of payment:

  • Domestic/International Credit Cards or Debit Cards, issued by banks and/or institutions that are part of the Visa, Rupay, Amex and/or MasterCard Network.
  • NetBanking
  • UPI
  • Payment Wallet - Paytm
  • Cash on Delivery

From selected banks in India. A full list is available at the time of Check Out and prior to making payments for purchases.


Credit Cards/ Debit Cards

Please note that for Visa and MasterCard you will be required to submit your 16-digit credit card number, card expiry date and a 3-digit CVV number (on the back of the card), when you make an online transaction using your Credit Card or Debit Card.

The Credit Card or Debit Card transaction will appear on your bank statement as a payment to White Light Food Private Limited.

The Customer agrees that the debit/credit card details provided by them for use of the aforesaid Service(s) must be correct and accurate and that the Customer shall not use a Debit/ credit card, that is not lawfully owned by them or the use of which is not authorised by the lawful owner thereof. The Customer further agrees and undertakes to Provide correct and valid debit/credit card details.

The Customer may pay their outstanding dues to White Light Food Pvt. Ltd. by using a debit/credit card or through an online banking account. The Customer warrants, agrees and confirms that when they initiates a payment transaction and/or issues an online payment instruction and provides their card / bank details:

  • The Customer is fully and lawfully entitled to use such credit / debit card, bank account for such transactions;
  • The Customer is responsible to ensure that the card/ bank account details provided by them are accurate;
  • The Customer authorises debit of the nominated card/ bank account for the Payment of fees selected by such Applicant along with the applicable Fees.
  • The Customer is responsible to ensure that sufficient credit is available on the nominated card/ bank account at the time of making the payment to permit the Payment of the dues payable or outstanding dues selected by the Customer inclusive of the applicable Fee.


Pricing Policy

  • The product prices listed are current and updated. However, these are subject to change without advance notice.
  • All prices on this web site are processed in Indian Currency (INR) and the prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • All orders are acknowledged at current pricing. We will bill at the price in effect, at the time of shipping.
  • Our products are liable for GST in India.
  • For all international shipping orders may attract local duties applicable in that country and the customer will have to pay locally, accordingly.


Payment Security

Any information you enter when transacting with White Light Foods is sent in a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session and is encrypted to protect you against unintentional disclosure to third parties. All transactions at White Light Foods are protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and Secure Data Encryption using a 1024-bit process.

For any queries contact us at


White Light Food Private Limited enables you to make card-based purchases through the Services by linking your user account to a debit, credit, and/or prepaid credit card. Your user account is not a bank account. White Light Food Private Limited is not a bank and does not offer banking or “money transmission services,” and is not a “money service business,” By linking a Payment Method to your user account, you represent that you are an authorised user of the Payment Method. You may change the Payment Method associated with your user account at any time. You are responsible for ensuring that the Payment Method associated with your user account is at all times current, non-expired, and valid for payments.

By associating a Payment Method with your user account, you consent to White Light Food Private Limited temporarily authorising a charge on that Payment Method, typically for one Rupee (amount) or less, as part of our verification process. White Light Food Private Limited may elect to make this temporary authorizing charge in its sole discretion. You will not be required to pay this charge, and it will disappear from your Payment Method statement within a few days.


By linking a Payment Method to your user account, you authorise White Light Food Private Limited to charge your linked Payment Method as necessary to complete payment to White Light Food Private Limited for the purchase or transaction, including for the total transaction amount less any credit redeemed in connection with your purchase. If such charge is rejected or fails, White Light Food Private Limited may charge your Payment Method again at a later time without advance notice to you. In the event you are entitled to a reversal, refund, chargeback, or other adjustment associated with a purchase you made using your user account, you authorise a credit to your Payment Method by White Light Food Private Limited to execute that transaction.

Your represent and warrant that (i) the Payment Method you supply to us is true, correct and complete, (ii) you are duly authorised to use such Payment Method for the purchase, (iii) charges incurred by you will be honoured by the financial institution supporting the Payment Method, and (iv) you will pay charges incurred by you at the posted prices, including delivery and handling charges and all applicable taxes, if any, regardless of the amount quoted on the Services at the time of your order.

All purchases, orders, and charges authorised using the Services subject to the terms and conditions set forth by the entities that issue your Payment Method and the Payment Processor. You are responsible for complying with those terms and conditions, and you are responsible for payment of all charges and related fees imposed by such entities pursuant to those terms and conditions.

There is no limit on the frequency of transactions you may make using your user account. However, White Light Food Private Limited reserves the right to impose limits without notice on the amount of transaction(s) you make at White Light Food Private Limited sole discretion, for any reason or no reason.


We use a third-party payment processor (the “Payment Processor”) to process any payments made through the Services. The processing of payments will be subject to the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of the Payment Processor in addition to these Terms. White Light Food Private Limited is not responsible for these financial transactions, the security of your financial information with respect to these transactions, or any errors by the Payment Processor. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any unauthorised charges or other breach of your financial information and/or security.

Copyright © 2023 White Light Food. All rights reserved.